Community engagement is at the center of the City Park Plan process, which was launched in July 2023. Throughout the process, we will offer various opportunities for you to provide input to inform design.
Three public meetings have been held to date, in addition to an online survey, where we received tremendous feedback from the community. Due to the response that we received on two design ideas, The Wooded Island and Park Promenade, we postponed Public Meeting #4 in order to deepen our commitment to user group and community input in the planning process and give us more time to listen.
The framework for public engagement and planning over the next year will be iterative and built on community feedback, research, and planning work completed since the current planning process began in July 2023. The collaborative work to date has revealed two layers of planning that structure the City Park Plan design process: Foundational Planning and Placemaking Planning.
This deepened community engagement approach will include multiple opportunities for community members to participate, including:
The following months of engagement and planning intends to build on these two layers, grounded in a process-based metaphor that all New Orleans residents know and love —Making Gumbo:
Click here to view and download the Engagement Pathway Overview. Community members may send feedback and input via email at any time to
Below you will find a recap of the first three public meetings:
The first public meeting was held on September 27 at City Park. During this meeting, the design team introduced themselves and some of their previous work, presented results from the online survey to date, and shared initial insights for City Park. Public questions and design team answers can be found here.
The second public meeting was held on December 6 at Warren Easton High School. At this meeting, the results from the first survey were shared and the Project Team garnered input from the public on potential improvements to how visitors get to City Park (Access) and how they move through the Park safely (Circulation), as well as introduced the concept of The Wooded Island, enabling multiple opportunities for discussion and feedback. Materials presented at the meeting may be found here, along with key findings here.
The third public meeting was held on March 21 at Dillard University. At this meeting, the focus was on understanding existing conditions and identifying necessary interventions to improve the Park’s lagoons, lakes, and water systems. Essential to the history of New Orleans City Park, these areas contribute to the experience and richness of the landscape’s diverse ecosystem. Materials and key findings will be posted here soon.
Residents who represent the broad spectrum of New Orleanians to act as ambassadors for the Park’s planning process
Voices of our youth community (15-25 age group) critical to informing the Park’s planning process
The City Park Plan will foster an innovative and thoughtful long-term proposal for City Park grounded in serving the greater good, addressing community needs, preserving historical and cultural context, enhancing environmental resiliency, and fostering a welcoming sense of place.
We want you to be informed. Stay engaged with the process, and explore the most-commonly asked questions, here.