Governance - New Orleans City Park


The New Orleans City Park Improvement Association (NOCPIA) is the state agency that oversees and ensures performance management regarding City Park.

The City Park Conservancy (CPC) is the 501(c)3 that operates the day-to-day of the Park and oversees programming, fundraising and membership management of the 1,300-acre Park.

The Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) governs the oversight and management standards for City Park between CPIA and CPC, which outlines obligations of both parties.

New Orleans City Park Improvement Association Commissioners


David Waller, Chair
Paul Sterbcow, Vice ChairMyrialis King, Treasurer
Doug Adams, Secretary


Emily Arata
Larry Dale
Michael Davis
Joe Giarrusso
Eugene Green
Brian Grenrood
Catherine Hales
Noah N. Hardie
Jimmy Harris
Stephanie Hilferty
Greg Keller
Peggy Scott Laborde
Michael Lappa
Edward T. Murray
Dan Robin
Matthew Sherman
Ryan Sims
Gary Solomon, Sr.

Dr. Brian Turner
Lacey Watler

City Park Conservancy Board Members


Liz Sloss, Chair
Mayra Pineda, Vice Chair
Karen Deblieux, Treasurer
Bryan Fitzpatrick, Secretary


Kiki Barnes
Jay Batt
Greg Bensel
Jeffrey Birdsong
Richard Cahn
J. Storey Charbonnet
Filippo Feoli
Dawn Bradley-FletcherCarro Gardner
Tania Hahn
Jimmy Harris
Dana Henry
Stephanie Hilferty
Gordon Kolb, Jr.
Michael Lappa
Victoria Phipps
Richard Rodriguez
Lori Savoie
Gary Solomon, Sr.
Chenier Taylor
Doug Thornton
Lindsey Wands
Guy Williams

The New Orleans City Park Improvement Association (NOCPIA) is the state agency that oversees and ensures performance management regarding City Park.

The City Park Conservancy (CPC) is the 501(c)3 that operates the day-to-day of the Park and oversees programming, fundraising and membership management of the 1,300-acre Park.

The Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) governs the oversight and management standards for City Park between CPIA and CPC, which outlines the obligations of both parties.

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